Sanoid on TrueNAS

syncoid to TrueNAS

In my homelab, I have 2 NAS systems:

  • Linux (Debian)
  • TrueNAS Core (based on FreeBSD)

On my Linux box, I use Jim Salter’s sanoid to periodically take snapshots of my ZFS pool. I also want to have a proper backup of the whole pool, so I use syncoid to transfer those snapshots to another machine. Sanoid itself is responsible only for taking new snapshots and pruning old ones you no longer care about. For example, you might set up a policy in sanoid to take a day’s worth of hourly snapshots and a year’s worth of monthly snapshots. That means, that sanoid will take a snapshot every hour, but – if executed with --prune-snapshots will delete all the hourlies (hourly snapshots in sanoid’s lingo) that are older than a day, monthlies that are older than a year and so on.

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Debian on TrueNAS Core under bhyve

Installing Debian/GNU Linux under bhyve on TrueNAS Core

I got myself a TrueNAS Mini X+ couple of months ago. I have it running TrueNAS Core based on FreeBSD. In that system you can run VMs under FreeBSD’s native hypervisor, bhyve. Since there are a couple of quirks around running Debian specifically, I decided to write up a quick article about setting up Debian-based VM there.

The quirks

The ones I’ve stumbled upon were:

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